Revenue Maps
Build an end to end view of your business to improve visibility on every metric that is affecting your most important north star,” The Revenue”
Analyse your complete Go-To-Market engine
Unified View
One true “Single Source of Truth” for all your Go-to-Market Data
Monitor Everything
Monitor every variable across your Revenue process that is driving growth
Streamline Reviews
Run Reviews like a PRO with all the data and insights available at your fingertip
Move beyond your CRM, don’t get stuck with just one dimensional data, get 360 degree view of your business
A single source of truth for all your Revenue plans
Bring your people data and assign them to quota-carrying territories within the platform for easy navigation and quota allocation.
Import your Annual Revenue plans into the platform and distribute it to individuals and territories across all your GTM teams easily
Construct your own GTM funnel by sequentially defining every step of a customer's journey within your company.
Single View of your Business
Executive summary dashboard to monitor all important metrics, right from website traffic to churn rates, in one place to understand the overall health of your business.
Slice and dice the metrics across different dimensions including People, lead sources, Territories and Sales Segment
Define Revenue KPI’s specific for your business from predefined templates and use them to monitor various time, volume and conversion metrics affecting the business
Time Travel with your Data
Understand incremental movement across Lead, Deal, and Customer pipelines using daily snapshots.
Perform a cohort analysis to identify which segments of customers or prospects are dropping off at each stage to improve deal conversions.
Observe movement trends across different metrics and identify the root causes of revenue leakages.
Ditch Spreadsheets and run reviews like a PRO
Set up quick templates and dashboards to run your weekly, monthly, and quarterly reviews seamlessly across all Go-to-Market teams
Gain insights and commentary along with charts and reports to drive outcomes from your review meetings.
Convert these reviews into presentations with the click of a button.
Self Serve your Revenue Analytics story
Start using Revvolution AI today
and take control of your growth
and take control of your growth

Solve for Data Accessibility

Solve for Go-to-Market Visibility

Solve for Revenue Leakages